***HOW TO USE***
After payment, you will be able to download a PDF that contains links and instructions. You can open this PDF using a PDF viewer on your computer or using any browser.
A) Studio3: Use this file for the Silhouette machine. The file contains cut lines and bleed.
B) Cricut PNG: Use this file for the Cricut machine. Resize the image to 9.1 inches keeping the proportions locked.
C) PDF: You can print this file if you want to cut it by hand.
D) PNG blackout cut file: Use this file if you need to create cutting lines for other machines.
E) PNG bleed: This PNG has bleed in some boxes to avoid a white edge when cutting.
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This is a digital download (no physical stickers will be sent) and is for personal use only.
***HOW TO USE***
After payment, you will be able to download a PDF that contains links and instructions. You can open this PDF using a PDF viewer on your computer or using any browser.
A) Studio3: Use this file for the Silhouette machine. The file contains cut lines and bleed.
B) Cricut PNG: Use this file for the Cricut machine. Resize the image to 9.1 inches keeping the proportions locked.
C) PDF: You can print this file if you want to cut it by hand.
D) PNG blackout cut file: Use this file if you need to create cutting lines for other machines.
E) PNG bleed: This PNG has bleed in some boxes to avoid a white edge when cutting.
For digital stickers: If you would like to use these stickers for digital planning, you can use the Cricut PNG and cut each sticker yourself. Please check my store for digital planning specific stickers: https://bigplansshop.com/product-category/digital-stickers/
If you have any problem, please contact me 🙂
These planners are essentially an interactive PDF, that means thet can work in any PDF annotation App (GoodNotes, Notability, Penly, Noteshelf, etc.) on iPads, Android tablets, Mac or PC.
1) Download PDF file with links after purchase.
2) Tap on the button of the file you want to download and open with Safari.
3) Tap on the arrow button and select ‘Open in GoodNotes’.
4) In GoodNotes, select ‘Import as New Document’ to load file.
5) Enjoy planning with your new digital planner!
If you use GoodNotes, the only file you need is the GoodNotes file. The PNG files are for people who don’t use GoodNotes.
1) After payment you’ll see the Downloads page. Click on the GoodNotes File button on the right.
2) The file will be downloaded to your Downloads folder in iCloud (or similar, according to your settings)
3) Open GoodNotes and click on New > Import and select the file you just downloaded.
4) Enjoy!
Please visit the TUTORIALS section for more detailed information.
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